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Topic: JultKnights Rom3 Server

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Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 14-Jan-10, 06:21:37
Hmm... i have set him very easy look like the first server...I look it with my new character and i notified you if is ok.

The reason of my last setting is that i have some problem with some monster hp on horror map and i dont know why i can .Sometime i kill more faster spider lvl 5 and other time when he have lot monster the spider have more hp...

When i kill more faster , the command screen say ^^Save Fortitude Faillure^^

and after the spider are killed..I dont know how set the fortitude and how work on y too.If anyone know how work the Fortitude Save it ,pls help me to learn it

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 14-Jan-10, 05:57:42
So far the difficulty level is way too hard for entry level chrs. Jult I seriously suggest you set the server level of diffculty to EASY so players can get a chr started. Then gradually increase it a bit. NWN is hard to single play even on easy settings. Just look at Rhun.

Once you make the setting EASY I'll be happy to come and play.

No point in trying to start a new chr when there is no chance to get basic good armor and weapons and have mobs you can beat.

Lord Atton