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Topic: Old-time player trying to start HAT

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Author: Chaoimin (kmjhellenbrand [at] fastmail [dot] nl)
Date: 16-Sep-19, 19:34:47
So, this year I once again had a shot at setting up a HAT server and managed to do so with the files hosted here.

I'm having a bit of a brainfart though. Testing playing ROM2 with a friend and with the HAT fix, it's either him connecting and playing on a server with the HAT NAT fix, or it's me playing locally without it.

We can both connect to the HAT, just not the server hosting the game.

Is there a way to be able to do both?

Thanks to NOVA for pointing me in the right direction in another thread.
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 20-Jul-18, 01:31:47
First, HEY DEFIANT !!! Good to see you here after so much time.

Second, you may find some helpful files at the following site. The English and patched for HAT play rom2server.exe file is part of the "multiplayer patch" for instance.


You may also find some useful utility files here:


Good luck everyone.
Author: Defiant (fireiceviper [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 19-Jul-18, 20:22:34
If you are behind a router you have to use some trickery to get it to work, Noga made it and i have uploaded it to wetransfer for you.


Read the text file for instructions
Author: chaoimin (kmjhellenbrand [at] fastmail [dot] nl)
Date: 14-Jul-18, 12:44:47
If anyone is willing to help me out, just send me a P.M.

I have the GOG version, a2lite, 13 update and 14 update,

it just keeps saying "Error downloading server list"
Author: chaoimin (kmjhellenbrand [at] fastmail [dot] nl)
Date: 14-Jul-18, 10:02:35
Hi there,

I'm an old time ROM player who'se nostalgic feelings towards the past pushed to get a HAT server up. I'm working in IT, so the HAT part I've figured out.

I'm currently running it on WIN10, the only problem is... I don't seem to be able to connect using the GOG version of the game and the original version seems to be misbehaving graphically.

May I ask, how do you guys run your hat? And what version of the game do you use to connect to it? Virtualisation? Is there any other way?