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Topic: My computer is crashing while playing "Rage of Mages 2"

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Author: JarodFerry (JarodFerry)
Date: 19-May-21, 09:06:22
Hope this <a href="https://silicophilic.com/computer-freezes-when-playing-games/">post</a> may help others to solve out a similar kind of issue. Thank you..
Author: JarodFerry (JarodFerry)
Date: 19-May-21, 09:02:29
Anyway guys, I have resolved the issue by taking help of this article. https://silicophilic.com/computer-freezes-when-playing-games.

Now I enjoy so much playing the game "Rage of Mages 2".
Author: JarodFerry (JarodFerry)
Date: 18-May-21, 17:35:54
Hello friends,

I am playing "Rage of Mages 2" for several months. And played very well. But having an issue from yesterday, my computer is crashing a lot while playing this game and also freezing. I can't understand what to do. Will I uninstall and then reinstall the game? Please suggest me how can i solve the issue.