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Topic: Problem with creating a serv

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 23-Apr-07, 22:43:17
In order to host a HAT server from behind a router (unless you are one of the lucky ones who has a router with hardware-based port forwarding) you need to have a VPN (Virtual Private Network). The VPN allows everyone to tunnel through your router and find your servers. Without it, your router hides the servers from outside your local network (LAN).

You could set up the VPN yourself or, if you do not know how, you can use a commercial program to set the network up for you. Hamachi is simply one of several "commercial" (although it's offered as freeware with limitations to 16 maximum people in the network) program that sets up the VPN for you.

In addition to the VPN, you still need to run the actual HAT program and all of the servers as well. The HAT software comes with basic instructions on how to set up a HAT.

Note that there are two versions of the HAT software: one for ROM2 and one for Allods2. They are NOT the same program. The fact that you said a2server.exe leads me to believe you intend to run the russian version (Allods2). Make sure you get the russian version of the HAT software.

Author: Eliminsterone (link__16 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 23-Apr-07, 05:55:59
Yes paulo you would need something to allow rom2 to work from behind a router.
Author: Paulo 476 (paulo_a_8 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 21-Apr-07, 21:43:57
huh? do i need that program to create a hat? (i'm connected to a router...) how do i work with that program?
Author: Ronnie|Slayer (magnetronnie [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 23-Mar-07, 07:58:57
Go to this site
and first download the rom2pack, that's neccesary for playing online.
Then download the rom2 hat file, that's the actual server file.

It comes with a readme on how to setup your own server.
But remember, without programs like hamachi (you can find it on google) it's impossible to get rom2 to work from behind a router.
Author: Gald (kal_zar [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 22-Mar-07, 22:51:02

I have tryed to make my own serv but i cant find the a2server.exe in my rom2 folder and in the CD then what must i use to create the serv?