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Topic: NWN Rhun ..... UPDATE

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Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 07-Feb-09, 01:07:14
Well, that's not quite correct, for I played a few times during the last week.

Also consider that you run the Omega forge project, and its the only server to test it.

Actually I would like to implement such a feature in my own mod, and hoped Fox and Nova would test it in your Rhun mod, than share the experience...

Though I understand what you feel about this (I had the same thing with the rom2 hat), I think the timing is wrong. There's only 1 rom2 hat up (jult's if its not down already) and no nwn server. This is the last save haven for a small group of players. We need to have a server up to share experiences....
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 06-Feb-09, 20:59:39
Since only one or two people played a short time the last couple of weeks and there hasn't been anyone playing at all the last 6 days, I think it's only common sense to not having run the server 24/7 any longer.
Therefore I'll close NWN's Rhun module for the time being.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 10-Jan-09, 13:17:48
Atton, check in nwplayer.ini (in the same directory where your server is) these settings:

Master Server Authentication Required For Player Login=0
Account validation required during Master Server down times=0

If they are set differently, I won't be able to join, since you don't get the Gamespy masterserver authorization for my account.
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 23:32:39
Aah, crap. Understood :-)

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 22:15:08

Take the Ola off of it and you will have it yes it is slang. But nobody what it LOL.

Lord Atton
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 19:46:57
Oh, Atton, my Warrior's name in Legion of Rhun is Arthon Rowha, a dwarf.
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 18:36:55
-- Lord Atton:
[b]If you can edit the NWN file and remove that crapola good for you.[/b]

"crapola" ?
Forgive me. I do not find the meaning of it.

Male? Female? Singular? Plural? Object? Person? Abstract Concept? Figurative? Gergal form? Swearing? Internet-related slang? Archaic synonym of modern term?

What is it?

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 18:31:13
Nice to hear Atton. I'll probably drop by after I finished the Legion of Rhun. What rules do you use with itemlevels and deathpenalty?
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 14:17:23
My NWN server IP is

Find the GreenWorld Server in the Action list and Connect Easy. No password.


Lord Atton
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 14:11:53
My two cents. Albadaran,
When I log into NWN somemtime I don't get the Game spy junk. It is some master server , but I can still get into the game. Yes I would say your Bioware account is messed up. I am sure they can fix it. I am not big on nags of any kind or pop-ups or commercial BS. If you can edit the NWN file and remove that crapola good for you. I have tried the Legion of Ruhn. I made a chr on there. A warrior called Thorzon. One of my chr names I like to use.

I saw no one on when I was playing this evening. I guess they play at different hours than I do. Go figure?

They had modified the Rhun module. Just from playing the Gallum Hills I can see some of the changes they made. Interesting.

However, I like playing with my small circle of friends. It think it great the moded the Module. God know there are numerous problems with it. But non of these problems are so serious to stop me from playing and enjoying the module. Currently I am running Rhun the original one I got from Bioware/The Vault.

I am experimenting with he tools set. I can make maps. Just not familiar with all the bells and whistles yet.

My plan is to make my own large NWN GreenWorld Module.

None of you have read my book, so you have no idea of what I am doing. I will take it a town by town and build it that way. One I have the entire module done I may release it. I will put up parts to experiment and play on and get player feedback.

I am looking for other large modules to put on my server. I am considering taking down Rom2 in favor of NWN1/Rhun or other modules.

We will see how this plays out. I will continue to enjoy Rhun and play on BBKings server and my own.

I am not using Hamachi on my NWNserver. I probably should. My IP does change. However you can always find the GreenWorld Server under the action tab in the G section, No password. I am getting other players on playing the module. People I don't. All part of the fun.

Take care,

Lord Atton
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jan-09, 01:06:46
Of course you are right. I contacted Bioware but no respond yet.

Anyway, as a legit owner of 4 cd-keys I've decided this has taken far to long... Made a little edit to get rid of the whole gamyspy login trash, so now I can direct connect to every server as long as I know the ip...
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 08-Jan-09, 20:01:05
Maybe you made a mess with the keys?
Maybe not your fault, but some thing gone wrong all the same.

A wise thing to do is to contact BioWare and explain the problem.
They would fix it, I believe.

Alternative is: un-register your keys from BioWare (there is option in your account).
Then create a new account (the 3rd?) and re-register your 3 keys under it.

But I would contact BioWare before the alternative.

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 07-Jan-09, 20:03:15
That is correct. I assume something in my account settings triggers a filter that won't let the majority of the servers through. But its fishing into dark water. Why do I still see one page of servers which are always there, and where I always can connect?

This is how I made my accounts:
I first bought the coregame and created the Albadaran account when installing the game. Unfortunately the mail I received to activate that account brings me to a link that 'hangs' when I press the 'activation' button: it keeps activating forever.
When I try to login to Bioware with my Albadaran account it is not recognized.

When I got the Deluxe edition I added the 2 expansionsets without creating a new account. I could play on the hamachi servers, but as you recall, I could not play on Nova's ip. Yet I saw lists of servers online in gamespy, and could join there. But it were the same small lists I get now.

Since I could not use the Albadaran login for bioware I created a 2nd account: Nhomis, using the core cdkey of the Deluxe edition. I created this account on the Bioware homepage.
I installed the complete game on the 2nd computer and filled in the regisstration forms for the 2 expansion sets when I was asked for. I was a bit suprised to learn that the cd-keys of the expansion sets were added to my Nhomis account.

What can be wrong? Something I thought of:
-Gamespy verifies both my Albadaran and Nhomis accounts to the settings they have for the Albadaran account, which is incomplete - no expansions (but I do see games with expansions... ) and probably an older version of the game.

But does this make sense?
Anyway, I've been trying so hard for so many days that I feel my mind is looping the same circles without getting any closer. The only option I seem to have is to ask around a LOT of people, hoping someone sees the light. I'm really out of options...
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 07-Jan-09, 04:17:48
If I understand what you write, then Gamespy won't let you pass when they have verified your account.
And if they cannot verify your account you may pass.
In other words, there may be something wrong with your account.

I get the same messages, but I can always pass.

As to the old Rhun server (still running) all chars are playable. I have to correct myself. All chars are playable! I had forgotten to uncheck the Item Level Restrictions box.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Jan-09, 19:31:36
Actually I don't dare to log out anymore lol!

My version is 1.69, and I downloaded and installed the community CEP't pack. So that should not cause the problems. Its more like Gamespy. Situation now:

I can only log in when Gamespy messages me that it's unable to verify my account, and some services may not be available. Only than I can access the Legion server by direct connect.

When log on to Gamespy without this error message, than the Legion server times out all the time.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Jan-09, 14:28:54
Ah, the upgrade prevents the use of my monks, due to heavily upgraded stuff in the Omega Forge I guess.
Well, too bad, have to see what can be done.

Btw, Albadaran is enjoying himself at the Legion of Rhun's server. So do come and join, some 10-15 very nice and helpful people playing :)
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Jan-09, 14:13:46
In this case "Feature" is not the right word.
"Content" is a better word.

Patch 1.69 is similar to a small CEP.
Bug-fixes over patch 1.68 are objectively few.
And some new bugs are in patch 1.69 that were not in 1.68

Considering the plus and the minus, it is worth to upgrade.
But do not be all happy about it :-)

Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Jan-09, 05:06:00
update work for me :=)
Nice work to be upgrading to 1.69 , he have lot new feature he doesnt have in 1.68 i view

Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Jan-09, 00:33:32
-- Albadaran
You need the patch version in use on server (1.69).

You also need the CEP installed.
Again must be the [b]same[/b] version in use on server.

Then you should be okay to connect.

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 21:53:45
Serverlist showall versions to 1 (in nwnplayer.ini)

Now I see the sever in blue, but still cannot connect:
Ping = 338307(!)
Serververion unknown (in red)
Gametype Bad Strref (whatever that may be)

With this option on the severs which were formerly blue are now gray with a serververion in red...
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 21:01:30
Nope, its not there. This afternoon I was able to connect twice (direct connect) when Gamespy could not find my account preferences (and told me probably some services would be missing). After that, and now Gamespy connects correctly, I see the server ip in the history list, but its gray 'offline'. And I can't enter.
I've been trying for hours now :(
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 15:42:01
If you did the update and chose for Game Type "Action" then it should be there, press "Connect" et .... voilą!
Nova found it, I found it, why not you?
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 12:31:04
Dude... It simply does not show up in the list. Never. I would like to give it a try, but the server is not in the list! I really tried everything, used the IP on the FAQ both in connect and direct connect... Nothing, nada, only time outs. It's simply not working for me...
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 12:10:40
Some serious drawbacks?

Don't overdramatize things, Albadaran.
You talk about your own preferences and that's fine.
And if that includes not wanting to move on, that's fine too.
And if you have problems with being able to connect, that's something technical and can be solved. Hitting the right button like CONNECT instead of DIRECT CONNECT can make the difference.
BUT I'm talking about a whole different thing.
A community is what you make of it.
You don't know me, as I don't know you. It's all in the mind.
This community of Legion of Rhun is based on role-playing, not leveling up on your own.
It's about helping out and that's based on give and take.
If that's not your cup of tea, too bad ...... for you.
In the two days that I've been playing there I already received thousands and thousands xp points, for free! Just by being in the party. Imagine, you just "leveled up" and a minute later you level up again. Thanks to people doing quests. And you don't have to participate in that quest at all. You get the xp even when you're doing nothing.
That's a whole different community! A whole different experience! Especially if you're used, like me, to do your own thing.
If you want to know something, just ask away and people give you directions. Sometimes they ask you if they can join you in what you are doing or if they can walk with you into new areas. That's also part of the fun.
You learn from each other.
Another important thing to note is that they're still working on improving and consequently updating the module.
It really is a work in progress and it already is way ahead of the module we know.
From what I can make out spellcasters have their place. I've seen Drow and Vampires, Azer dwarves and what not. All you want from the game, it's there.
Besides, as you can learn from their forum it has a very friendly atmosphere.
What more can you ask for in this day and age?
Sure, you don't know any of them. But you don't know me either. It's just names.
The rom2 community, or what's left of it, is based on an old game. You can make new maps over and over again, but the mechanics stay the same. It holds no surprises anymore, whatever you do.
There's a saying: [i]Leaving things behind you is the only way to go forward.[/i]
With that in mind, look at it again. You won't regret it.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jan-09, 01:21:58
A better module and some serious drawbacks...

Personally I would prefer to have the module I play on my own computer. This way we can add our own content. And although I don't always agree with the way mods are updated, I value the input here!

For the same reason I prefer playing on a server where the host comes from our small playerbase here. It's so much easier to find solutions. Unfortunately not all updates work in 1.69.

Than there is connectivity: I don't see the server you mention in the list. Found the IP in the FAQ of that forum but cannot connect. Just like I never was able to connect to Nova's IP. Hamachi was a perfect solution for me, how do I solve this? (I do see other servers and can connect to them, so it can't be a problem in my settings).

If we can get this module for ourselves and host it in Hamachi, and can use Fox's updates, than it would be great! For now there are too many problems with that server and updating our game.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 02-Jan-09, 21:00:05

We (NOVA and I) wanted to have a look at other Rhun modules, just to see if there were better ones.
An upgrade of the game was necessary, because most (if not all) Rhun modules on the public servers use v1.69.

Also we realized that, despite all the work that Nova and you have put into it, the task ahead of improving this module was still a daunting one.
Realistically, it's just too much work on the shoulders of too few people. A major factor was also the very limited number of people playing. I hope (and I'm pretty sure) you understand fox.

And we found a tremendous awesome Rhun module.
The Legion of Rhun.
It already has all of the things that make the module much more complete. From what I have seen so far, all areas are used. It's very well organized, with lots of choices for players. There is a good set of rules and the DM plays an active part in the game. It's very friendly and you get even XP when someone completes a quest, as long as you're in the party.
You can earn or find DM tokens with which you can obtain upgraded gear and weapons. I just started there but it already looks very promising.
So, very much recommended I have to say.

If you want to have an idea of what those people are doing go visit their [url=http://legionofrhun.freeforums.org/index.php]forum[/url].
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 02-Jan-09, 13:09:11
-- bbKing
What made you decide to upgrade?

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 02-Jan-09, 10:32:08
Thanks BB I did that when I saw you on line.

Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jan-09, 23:27:46
For Rhun you need to patch NWN to version [b][size=4]1.69[/size][/b]