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Topic: Any servers during summer?

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Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 11-Jul-09, 01:56:13
Hi all , we waiting i have finished and open rom3 ? Now i have open it!!

Yess he have again some bug with the all mage class gear !!Say me what i must put it and i fix it!!!

I have open the server now.
Come to join and life your experience to Rage Of Mages 3

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 11-Jul-09, 00:54:55
The module is build for party play. I suppose that makes a lot of difference. In parties there is always help to heal or resurrect. Oh well, it was a good try.
I notice Atton is back online too. Be there now and than.
Oh and my own mod will have a satisfactory endgame and reward. Too bad you guys will have to start from scratch hehe!
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 10-Jul-09, 23:46:31
I'm rapidly coming to the same conclusion as you about the Nordock module. It was different than Rhun and your Allods modules and certainly different than the solo play module and I suppose that "newness" had a certain appeal for a while. I was just running it so I could evaluate it myself. It does have a few redeeming features, but unfortunately these are more than offset by negative features. The scripting inside is ridiculously complicated and I have no hope of sorting it out myself to even begin to make changes. Like Rhun, Nordock appears to use "stock" merchants throughout the module. So you can't just modify any given merchant without affecting them all.

To show you how sad Nordock is, I have finally (after about a week of steady play) managed to make level 8 (and not die because I lost a full level almost every time I died). I have also managed to find a few more towns/cities. Sadly, they are just copies of the starting town...literally. Same merchants (different names) with the same gear in the shop. The harder monsters do not give better loot either. It appears they simply created the harder diffuculty monster groups so you can get decent XP for the kills as your character rises in levels. The gold and loot rewards are the same at the starting location as they are at all the other towns I've visited.

Sadly, it looks like Nordock is truly a bust. I was seriously hoping I would be able to easily combine the best features of Rhun with Nordock and create a better module to play. That now appears virtually impossible. I'd be better of starting from scratch with a clean slate and perhaps importing just tiny tidbits of other modules and then customizing it to suit the new module environment. I'm not as good as you are at that sort of thing, not even close. So it appears my hopes have been dashed on the rocks of despair. Oh well.

I may keep Nordock up and running for a while longer just for kicks. But sadly it has proven to NOT be such a great module afterall. Personally, I like Rhun better (despite it's many many flaws).

Thanks for playing and thanks for reading my meandering rant.

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Jul-09, 00:29:31
This mod may give some fun during the long winter nights, but than without the severe death penalty.

And even than, it is way too slow. Even for role-playing. But what roleplaying I wonder? It is just grinding with a huge chance of bad luck. I mostly like to grind in rpg games, but come on, once in a while a superior item should drop!

Anyway, this is a mod that should drop randomly good loot with a small death penalty, but even than I'm afraid it will only give some fun when there's nothing else to do. That is, for soloing. But since there's not much of a party around, soloing is all we can do.

I appreciate setting up a server NOVA, but this is not the mod for me.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jul-09, 16:03:50
Looks a bit buggy: I'm completely naked when I start, cannot put a message on the bulletin board, and there's a bear waiting just outsite the gates killing every naked chr. coming out. Than the sequence of counting down to death is terminated several times so you have to log off/on to restart it.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 03-Jul-09, 14:19:12
[i]The penaly for dying is very very very severe....[/i]
Right... Fox is there a way to run a little script OnHeartbeat that makes 1 particular account have a VERY severe death penalty? ;) Just in case... An eye for an eye!
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 03-Jul-09, 12:21:56
IP is
player password is...NOVA

While we wait for Jult's ROM3 server, I put up a NWN server running Nordock. This module is very tough and much more roleplay oriented than Rhun. I caution you to read ALL the rules very very carefully. The module creators mean every one of them.

To whet your apetite though, here is a small sampling of a few of the cool features in this module:

1. in-module bulletin boards where the players can post public messages.

2. a bank where you can store your gold

3. player purchasable housing that you can also purchase furniture to customize the interior layout.

4. lots and lots of extra skills and crafting systems

The penaly for dying is very very very severe....so I caution you to die as little as you can. As I say, this one is tough. I just put the server up 9 hours ago and have been playing since then. And I only just now made it to level 3.

Enjoy. Hope to see you on the server.

IP is
player password is...NOVA
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jul-09, 19:11:09
ISP told me to take power off modem and router. He said it is probably because the modem has not been reset for a long time. Ok I did, let's see if I still have connection in 24 hours.
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jul-09, 02:55:38
take picture screen on each config on your routeur and each time your reset you follow your picscreen is more easy.I follow this with my old router and work very great.
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jul-09, 02:54:02
hmm I would say you reset your router ... In normal times it is better to reset 1 time per month for buffer its recommended same 1 time on week is more best...
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jul-09, 01:03:03
Hmmmm?! Sounds great! I will certainly play.

btw: For some reason my internet connection goes down every afternoon since 5 days or so. Service program of my internet provider says there is a problem with the TCP stack, but cannot solve it. Router log shows it wants to renew DNS but is unable to to so. Only solution is to make the router release all IP's than renew it, and I have a new ip.
Very weird and annoying since I need a good connection when I start hosting my mod in October. Anyone?
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Jul-09, 00:22:09
I have buying newest laptop today.I begin to run Rom3 weekend promised :-) It goes really well we'll see what that will give performance rate ... it works for nwnt .. remains a marvel to see when there will be many people on the server how it fonctionnera.I have buying a new router so I set up and testing because it is much more complicated to understand .
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 30-Jun-09, 23:48:27
Haha....I hosted my CHAOS HATs (from CHAOS1 thru CHAOS7) for several years on a laptop computer with 12-15 servers running 24/7. I had a few connection problems, but that was mostly from people crashing servers, my ISP dropping me for periodic maintenance, or power outages due to the weather.

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 29-Jun-09, 00:28:43
Dude... Laptops are a very bad choice if its for servers. Because they produce lots of heat and should be shut down every 2 or 3 hours...
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Jun-09, 02:37:17
Finally monday i buying laptop (dual core 2.8 with 2 gig ram) for making Rom3 server.Presently i use the laptop on my friend he live with me but i waiting monday when i buying my laptop for open rom3 server.If he have some rom2 map i want to import send the request here and i can create it

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Jun-09, 23:12:14
Actually I don't mind much what game. More important is how many players participate. When I'm at home and see other players online I'll join. But when the server is empty I would do other things.
Giving it a second thought I'm afraid many of us (including me) will go out when the weather is nice. So if you are so kind to offer a server I suggest not to put too much effort in it.
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 25-Jun-09, 20:17:46
I have air conditioning...so I could put a server up if necessary. Would you prefer ROM2 or NWN1 ?

For NWN, I was hoping to wait until Fox completes his spell corrections. The improvements and vast number of scripting bugs he has discovered and patched are enormous and would definitely improve game play. I don't have my own module, but I could run Rhun again.

For ROM2, I could probably put together a set of maps to run. Would you want a challenging HAT? Or a HAT with a lot of skilling maps? Or something in between?

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Jun-09, 12:05:22
Alright, so no server this summer :(
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Jun-09, 07:06:07
For my part i have selling my computer because i must buying newest car on begin july because i must have car for make more money so in august i opening rom3 on nwnt when i have build newest computer..left 500 $ to accumulate money for buying newest car after i begin to accumulate money for buying newest computer

Ps.Rom3 are finished with newest map= I have Import all Nova Rom2 Map on Rom3

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 13-Jun-09, 23:17:14
Either Rom2 or Nwn?