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Topic: Hmm question here

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 28-Mar-07, 21:33:24
You can also do some amazing things if you know how to edit the world.res file (such as changing the health of monsters, the damage monsters do, the magical effects of potions or scrolls or other items, etc.). Always make a backup just in case, but check out the world.res file in both a text editor (such as NOTEPAD) and also look at it using a hex editor. Some things will become self evident....other things are tricky to find.

Message me or email me at kingkota666@hotmail.com and I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Author: Yama254 (yama_80 [at] msn [dot] com)
Date: 27-Mar-07, 23:55:16
all of that is possible if you know how to use the map editor that is on the ROM2 CD
Author: Eliminsterone (link__16 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 19-Mar-07, 19:01:09
Ugh double post, will there be an edit post button in the future?

Anyway i forgot to ask one thing, is it possible to make it so you can go to any map lower than your current map level if your not playing on a server?
Author: Eliminsterone (link__16 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 19-Mar-07, 18:37:13
Well actually four, is it possible to edit a monster's random loot or edit loot on respawning monsters?

And is it possible to edit inn quest reward's? and can inn's reward multiple potion's?